Author = {Daneri, Sara and Savaré, Giuseppe},
Title = {Lecture notes on gradient flows and optimal transport},
fjournal = {Optimal transport. Theory and applications. Proceedings of the
summer school `Optimal transportation: theory and applications',
Fourier Institute, Grenoble, France},
journal = {Optimal transport. Theory and applications. Proceedings of the
summer school `Optimal transportation: theory and applications',
Fourier Institute, Grenoble, France},
ISBN = {978-1-107-68949-7; 978-1-107-29729-6},
Pages = {100--144},
Year = {2014},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-00519401/document},
Publisher = {Cambridge: Cambridge University Press},
Language = {English},
Keywords = {49-02,49Q20},
zbMATH = {6536285},
Zbl = {1333.49001},